Our services

You are experiencing domestic and family violence:
- Risk assessment / Safety planning
- Court support at Magistrates Courts for applications for DFV protection orders
- Assistance with protection orders
- Advocacy
- Emotional support
- Home safety upgrades
- Information and referral to agencies for housing and legal advice
- Referral services for men and boys using violence
You can self refer to CADA
Contact CADA
- Caboolture: 07 5498 9533
- Redcliffe: 07 3283 6930
- Strathpine: 07 3205 5457
- info@cada.org.au
If an adult requires crisis support including brief counselling in relation to Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence, please fill out the following Crisis Referral Form and send back to crisis@cada.org.au
If a child or young person under the age of 18 requires counselling in relation to Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence, please fill out the following Children, Young People and Families Referral Form and send back to childyouth@cada.org.au
If a woman is in the recovery and healing space and wanting to access either support, trauma informed counselling or groups in relation to recovering from Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence, please fill out the following Women’s Wellbeing Hub Referral Form and send back to wellbeing@cada.org.au

Police are involved
If you have had contact with police due to domestic or family violence, our Partnership Response at Domestic Occurrences (PRADO) program offers specialist domestic and family violence, caseworkers. They will connect you with the support available to meet your needs.
PRADO staff work from CADA offices and police stations in the Moreton Bay region. When we have our clients’ informed consent, we advocate on your behalf to liaise with departments and other agencies to ensure you get the best support available.
PRADO and its parent organisation, CADA, do not provide services such as refuge, housing or legal advice.
High Risk Team
When there is high risk of lethality or serious harm
CADA is the lead agency for the High Risk Team (HRT), a coordinated multi-agency response to high risk domestic and family violence cases in Moreton Bay. The HRT functions are to:
- manage the high risk posed by perpetrators and increase accountability of perpetrators
- provide rapid, flexible and collaborative action across agencies to increase safety of victims and children experiencing high risk DFV
- provide a forum for appropriate information sharing, comprehensive risk assessment and informed safety planning
- increase agency accountability and deliver coordinated, consistent and timely responses to prevent serious harm or death
The HRT membership includes:
- Centre Against Domestic Abuse (CADA) lead agency
- Queensland Police Service (QPS)
- Child Safety (CYJMA)
- Queensland Corrective Services (QCS)
- Queensland Courts (DJAG)
- Youth Justice (CYJMA)
- Housing (CHDE)
- Queensland Health
- Men Choosing Change
- Victims Assist Queensland (VAQ)
- Other invited agencies including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander agencies, culturally specific services, mental health services, AOD services, Department of Education and other agencies on an as needs basis.

High-Risk Team
Safety Upgrades
The Safety Upgrades program supports people experiencing domestic and family violence to remain safely in their homes. Rather than having to move, it can be possible to stay in the community, close to family and other support networks including work, schools and child care centres.
The Safety Upgrades program can provide lock changes, sensor cameras and other security devices for clients who meet the funding requirements.
The Safety Upgrades program is primarily for high risk clients with an active Domestic Protection Order who are referred by a CADA Domestic and Family Violence practitioner or external agency. Risk assessment and eligibility for Safety Upgrades is conducted prior to referral.
Safety Upgrade Programs
Children, Young People and Families
The Children Young People and Families program supports children, and young people under 18 to think about their experiences, develop resilience and build safe, respectful relationships.
Our counsellors have expert knowledge in how trauma or difficult experiences affect children and young people and work within a trauma informed framework. When working with young children, our programs are child centred and play based. When supporting young people, we are led by their needs and interests and use a strength based approach.
These services are provided in our CADA offices, primary and high schools within Moreton Bay.
Children, Young People and Families